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How do I create an NFT?
Updated over a month ago

You can mint your own NFT into your crypto wallet using OpenSea Studio tools. Minting is the process of publishing an NFT onto the blockchain. You don’t need to have any coding knowledge to use these tools. To get started, you’ll just need some cryptocurrency for gas fees, and the artwork you’d like to mint into an NFT.

This step-by-step guide covers how to create an NFT collection and mint directly to your wallet. If you want the public or your community to be able to mint your NFTs directly into their wallets, learn more in our help guides about creating a drop.

Part 1: Deploy a smart contract

1. On OpenSea, select Studio from the lefthand sidebar.

2. You’ll see your existing collections (if any) on the OpenSea Studio landing page. To create a new NFT or collection, click the Create button in the top right corner.

Screenshot 2023-09-29 at 11.04.29 AM.png

3. You’ll see the option to select Drop or Collection or item. Click Collection or item to mint an NFT directly into your wallet.

As a quick note, you won’t be able to move NFTs between collections later.

4. You’ll see a new “Create an NFT” screen appear. If this is your first time using OpenSea Studio tools to create an NFT, click Create a new collection. You’ll be able to add one NFT to this collection at a time, and you can add additional NFTs later.

Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 4.07.35 PM.png

If you’ve already minted an NFT using the “Create an NFT” tool, you can select an existing collection as shown below, and skip to Part 2: Create an NFT.

You won’t be able to mint NFTs into any existing Drops collections, other custom smart contracts, or collections created using OpenSea's former "lazy minting" tool.

Screenshot 2023-10-03 at 3.43.51 PM.png

5. After you click Create a new collection, follow the steps on your screen to deploy a smart contract, which will enable you to create the NFTs for your new collection.

Add a logo image, contract name, and token symbol for your contract.

  • Logo image: this appears next to your collection name and can be changed after the contract is deployed

  • Contract name: the name of your NFT collection. It's visible on-chain and can't be changed after the contract is deployed

  • Token symbol: the shorthand way to identify your contract (typically 4-7 characters). Visible on-chain and can't be changed after the contract is deployed

You’ll also need to select an EVM blockchain. Deploying a smart contract on a blockchain requires gas fees. You’ll be able to see estimated gas fees to deploy the smart contract to each blockchain. If fees are higher than expected, you can check back later, as they fluctuate based on network traffic, or choose a chain that has lower gas costs, such as Base.

6. Once you’re ready, click Continue. You’ll see a transaction signature request appear in your wallet, which will require gas, and a confirmation message once it’s complete. Click Create an NFT and proceed to Step 2.

If you don't see your new NFT collection right after deploying a smart contract, it's possible that it was automatically delisted for containing a potential violation of our Terms of Service. Learn more here.

Part 2: Create an NFT

Now that you’ve created a smart contract, you’re ready to create an NFT. You'll create an ERC-1155 NFT, which enables you to create multiple copies of the same item.

1. First, upload your NFT’s media. This is the artwork for your NFT. You can drag and drop, or upload a file from your computer. All the NFTs you create in the same collection are required to have the same file type.

2. Then, select the collection you’d like to mint your NFT into.

3. Name your item, and set your item supply. This is the number of copies of the NFT you’d like to mint. If you set the supply to 1, the item will be unique.

Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 11.26.34 AM.png

4. To customize your NFT, you can add an optional description, an external link, and traits.

Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 11.28.02 AM.png

5. Once you’re ready, click Create. You’ll see a loading message while the item is minting, and you’ll need to approve the transaction to mint with your wallet:

Creating your item pop-up.png

6. Ta-da, you've just minted your first NFT! Next up, customize your collection page and update your collection details.

Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 11.30.13 AM.png

It’s not currently possible to edit your NFT after you mint it using OpenSea.

However, it's possible to edit your NFT metadata directly on-chain by setting your BaseURI through the blockchain explorer while interacting with your token's contract.​

To find your token's contract on Etherscan or a similar blockchain explorer, navigate to your collection page on OpenSea. Click on the three-dot menu and then the explorer logo to view the contract. ​Scroll down and click the Contract tab and then Write Contract. Navigate to section: setBaseURI.

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