To prepare for your drop, you’ll need to upload the media files containing the final images for your revealed NFTs. These images won’t be visible on your collection page until you choose to reveal them after the drop.
On the left side of the page, select the Upload section.
In this section, you can upload media files to OpenSea (up to 10,000 files, either JPG, PNG, SVG, or GIF) and an optional metadata file. The metadata file specifies which file maps to which token ID and contains the traits for each NFT. Traits, such as facial expressions or accessories, differentiate your NFT and can be used to determine an NFT’s rarity. You may find it easier if you prepare your metadata in a Google Sheet and then export it as a CSV file.
You can click Download examples to download a zip file that contains a metadata .csv file with 50 items and the companion media files:
Once your files are uploaded, click Continue. You can click Preview to see how your NFTs will look to collectors after the reveal. If you spot any errors in your item names or descriptions, you can make the updates directly from this page at any time before the reveal.
Currently, only string traits are supported if you're uploading your CSV using OpenSea Studio. Numeric traits aren't supported. For more information about metadata standards, visit our Developer Docs.
Revealing your NFTs
Once minting has ended for your drop, the Reveal option will be available. Revealing your collection will prevent you from making changes to the drop settings or item metadata, so make sure minting is complete before taking this step.
When you’re ready to reveal your NFTs, navigate to the Upload section and click Reveal.
This will begin the process of uploading your items to IPFS, a decentralized server. When the upload is finished, you can click Complete Reveal and sign the wallet transaction to publish the metadata to the blockchain. You’ll see a confirmation message when the reveal is complete, and your collectors will be able to see the image and metadata for their minted NFTs.
Metadata for Instant Reveal
If you’d like to have an instant reveal, you’ll need to set up and use a separate metadata server that listens to mint events and only reveals the token metadata as each token is minted. This prevents collectors from viewing all the metadata at the beginning of the mint and selectively minting the rarer token IDs. You can reference in-depth metadata standards in our developer docs.
Make sure to check out our Drops FAQ for answers to questions about gas fees, reserving items for your team, and more.